Sunday, October 2, 2011

Remembering Clem Healy by Deja Murrain

First I would like to thank Gregory, Clem's son for sharing one of the most amazing pieces of his father with us all, his mind and his soul. Clem's determination, hard work, and perseverance is something to be admired by us all, especially me. Reading his paper brought tears to my eyes at the beauty and precision in which he wrote so passionately. Clem was such an inspiration to myself and several of my classmates. The little time shared with Clem was definitely represented in the presence of his strong spirit. It was almost as if you could feel something special sitting in that room, it was your father. It was his courage, his intelligence, and his victory at fighting one battle with another. Clem's legacy and his achievements will forever be a reminder to me that in life you must go after even your wildest dreams no matter what's holding you back. If Clem did it then I too know that I can do it too. I am extremely proud and excited that Clem completed his degree, he deserves all the praise and more. In Clem's poem he worries that his passion for knowledge and the world around him will remain dead but to be honest it lives through us all, always will he be remembered.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written Deja and You hit it dead on when you said that his passion for knowledge will live through us. He will forver be an inspiration to me and all of us!
